Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sponsers !

So we really cannot do this trip alone. We've already sent out emails to companies and such to try to get some help, I'm sure letters will follow. I'd like to ask anyone reading this if they know someone we can get in contact with, someone who can help our chances of sponsorship above blind emails. Any help is extremely appreciated. The following are a list of companies already contacted, edits will be made to this list as responses come in.

Sierra Dawn Products - Responded, will donate Campsuds for the trip. Thanks to our first sponsor!
Blick Art Materials - Donation of ink for making t-shirts. Thank You!
We also would like to thank Pyali's friends from Tuffs U. and our friends and faculty at Drexel Boimed.

For an address to send real mail, please email me at

So some wheels are in motion, Thanks to everyone for their donations, help, advice, encouragement. A calculation of the approximate distance that will be traveled will follow shortly.

-Jim king of the mountain

also extra t-shirt and DVDs from the Drexel screening of the Invisible Children documentary have been returned, please see their website to order more, or wait until we make sure and check them out.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The riders

It occurred to me that some people may find this site and not know who we are. So without further delay.In order from left to right, Jim Kolb, Suhali Kundu and Abigail Casals. This picture was taken at the Philadelphia Museum of Art after the February Critial Mass. We are all biomedical engineering students at Drexel university, graduating in June of 2008 representing the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.
Short Bio:
Suhali - Undergrad, with a concentration in Neuroengineering, she does research at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia on traumatic brain injury and how it affects memory centers of the brain. She spent her freshman year at Bryn Mawr as a math major, but she has been at Drexel for the past 4 years. Suhali loves to travel and meet new people. At the conclusion of the trip Suhali wants to be a part of Engineers without Borders ( and go to medical school.
Abigail - Undergrad with a concentration in Tissue Engineering, she is ending her 4 year program at Drexel and did her co-op at GlaxoSmithKline. Abby plays guitar, piano and is a fantastic singer/song writer. At the conclusion of the trip Abby will be working and going to medical school.
Jim - Graduate student in Drexels combined Bachelors/Masters Program with a concentration in Biomechanics and Human Performance. I did Co-ops at Precision Medical Products and Synthes and am currently working on my Master's thesis with Dr. Papazoglou, developing a near infrared system to characterize hydrogels. When I'm not doing school work I like to draw, read and take photos (which I will do along the trip and post on this blog). At the conclusion of the trip Iwill get a job and rest my tired legs.

We all love to bike and explore but we are really doing this because we want to help the Invisible Children Foundation. The filmmakers are raising money to help the children, but a big part of this trip is to also spread the word. People should feel outraged that these atrocities continue. This summer some of these topics will gain national attention. China, the host of the summer Olympic Games is the major financial backer of the Sudanese Government and war in Darfur (just something to keep in mind).
This is a short article describing some recent activity about the war in Darfur.
