Sunday, August 3, 2008

San Fran

These are pictures from San Fran. We stayed with our awesome friend Vince who graduated with us from Drexel and didn't mind us hijacking his house for a few days. Bridge entering downtown San Fran.
Notice the 17% grade. We didn't get a chance to bike in the city :(
View from the Twin Peaks, top left is downtown SF.
Me and Abby looking very Californian, I think we'll move here and get a loft and start an indie rock band.
The girl's at Fisherman's Warf.
View of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Shadow puppets.
Shadow on shadow violence.
"Never trust a skinny brewer." The sign says it all. (Billboard in SF).
Suhali's "birthday cake." Happy Birthday Suhali!!!

Vince performed from flaming devil sticking in honor of Suhali's birthday, it was really sweet.

This one looks like a heart.
Vince gothed out Abby's hair with vaseline.
Jim got too tuckered out to party any more.

It's been really, we don't want to leave because we know the road ahead will be tough. But we are looking forward to Eugene and Portland and seeing the Rookies. We are going to Redding CA to drop off the car and start biking hard core. We are all healed up and rested.

Thanks for checking in.

Jim indie rock star wannabe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

take me with you the next time you go to san fran!! i've always wanted to go...especially now that i know i can get my hair "punked out" by a guy named vince ;)

in all seriousness though, the photos are great; feel free to post more or e-mail a few my way.