Sunday, April 13, 2008

First Entry

Hey everyone!
So this is the first entry in our official Bike Trip for Invisible Children blog. Thanks for checking it out. I guess the first thing I should do is explain what Invisible Children is and what we are trying to do. In 2003, group of 3 filmmaker students went to Uganda and recorded the tragedy of children who are abducted to fight as child soldiers. To escape abduction, children must leave their homes in the villages and commute to large cities every night to sleep. These night commuters travel many miles to sleep in hallways, parking lots and verandas. My friends and I were moved by the documentary and decided to bike across America to help raise awareness and money for their foundation. Over the next few months we will get sponsors and prepare for our trip that will take us from the east coast to California to deliver the money we raised directly to the Invisible Children Foundation.I modified a picture from invisible children and added our information and blog.

Our first event was to screen the documentary at Drexel. We held it on April 10th at Drexel's Nesbitt building. There was a decent turnout and we raised almost $300 in donations and merchandise sales. Thanks to everyone for helping and coming out to see it. Thanks to CAB for helping us out.

Through this blog we will document our journey. Check back for updates and pictures.

For more information on Invisible Children check out their website at

I found the following picture and edited it. I thought it was pretty cool. Pass along our story and info to everyone you know, we can use all the help we can get. Edit: I was informed that the "I want change" guy was a piece done by a graf artist named Meek. Thanks Meet, great work. Thanks Nate.

1 comment:

Nate said...

That central stencil is by graf artist Meek.