Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More Stuff

Hey everyone. So we decided to explain some more about what we're really asking. When we get to California, we want to deliver all of the money raised directly to the Invisible Children, which means we will have to raise some money for them. We would like to have donations based on the miles that we ride, something on the order of 10-20 cents per mile, or any other donations. The second purpose of trip is to raise awareness for the cause. The Invisible Children film documents one of the least publicized humanitarian crisis of our generation. So in addition to talking to people everywhere we can, we'd like to make and sell t-shirts along the way in an attempt to keep the conversation going even after we've left. But we will need money for shirts and ink. So we are looking for any donations (there's still some t-shirts and dvds from the movie screening) and we are looking for sponsors to help us with making shirts and other things we'll need along the way (like food).

Stuff we will have:
Bikes - Abby, Suhali, Jim(not yet), Nick(not yet)
Racks and bags (we'll have to carry our whole life across the country) - Not yet
Camping/Living gear - not yet

Stuff we'd like to get sponsors for:
Blank t-shirts
Ink and screen printing accessories
Living expenses
There's probably more I'm forgetting, but that's the basic idea. We'll try to get a paypal account going and linked to this blog so anyone can donate anytime.

Thanks all!

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