Friday, July 25, 2008

some changes

hey, we've traveled about 700 miles so far and made it to the Mississippi river at Muscatine Iowa. as you may know from watching the weather, the north american jet stream keeps winds and weather moving west to east across the USA. we have underestimated this force and thought that the winds wouldn't be that bad. we were very wrong (nick, you were right). the head wind has slowed our progress to an average of 12mph. we talked to a lot of bikers traveling west to east and they average more than 16mph. traveling at 16 mph as opposed to 12mph equates to 83 less hours in the saddle over 4000 miles. therefore....

we have decided to take the train from davenport iowa to san fran Ca. and ride the trail from west to east. we will be traveling the same amount of distance, but we hope that we will have more time in each city to meet with people and explore. and we may even be able to return a bit earlier. this move will hopefully make our trip more enjoyable and efficient.

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