Saturday, July 12, 2008

Trip beginnings

Hello everyone!

our riding began on the dreary morning of july 9th from erie PA. the day cleared up and we managed 37 miles. on of the coolest stops was this abandoned garage/diner. the diner had moss growing on the floor and looked like a meadow invading the tile. the upstairs must have been a house but had been vacant for some time, but had a great assortment of items not worth taking.

i can't figure out how to rotate the image with this computer. (rotate head counter clockwise for proper viewing)

we were detoured off of our path by this, a building fell down. don't ask me how, the only explaination we came up with "it's ohio." but that seems insufficient. we stayed the night at a campsite and met this great old-timer names Kenny. he drove us to a spring so we could fill up on great tasting water, he didn't lie, the following day we gorged on the fresh water.

while we were sleeping a spider built a web on my bike, i felt bad destroying all of his hard work, but i have a feeling he'd be confused if i transported him to cleveland.

we stopped in a small town called paynesville (or something like that). we figured it was supposed to be "pain's ville" cause there was a huge hill entering the city limits. however, at the peak of the hill a farmers market was underway. we met some cool people a bought a homemade cherry pie. we couldn't find ice cream... i guess small towns don't have ice cream... "it's ohio." but we devoured the whole pie in the park before biking for 20 more miles on a fantastic sugar high. here's us in the park.

paynesville was pretty adorable. the next day we made our way into and quickly out of cleveland. this is a picture of our approach with lake erie on the right. lake erie is big, we've been passing it for 4 days.
i guess that's all for now, we are going to have lunch in avon lake, OH. then push on west to a campsite.
thanks for checking up on us.
we miss you all.

jim even at our swiftest speed, we couldn't break from the concrete.

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