Wednesday, October 22, 2008

portland 2

The images for portland are in reverse chronological order.  go to the bottom of the post and scroll up to review them in the correct order.
waterfall leaving portland
sunset over portland
skate board karate...obviously.
voodoo donuts, they were fantastic, hit this place up if you find yourself in portland, open 24/7.
boating and enjoying life

another sunset
block party in  eugene or, we sort of just stumbled upon this because i made a wrong turn.
our first night in portland was spent reading a marble notebook that nate found.  it had in it the beginnings of genius or a decent into insanity.  someone had penned a sock puppet play that is beyond words to describe.  i hope the guys turn it into something.  
the pacific ocean, i finally made it.  i wanted to swim in it for so long on this trip, i  put my feet in but it was freezing.  the day was beautiful.  we got to play a lot on the beach... which will be in the next post because it's on a different camera.

i've totally neglected this, it's been a busy few weeks getting back.  i have some more pics from portland.  portland OR was one of our favorite cities, the people we met and the times had were unforgetable.  

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