Thursday, October 23, 2008

yellowstone and chicago

Hey all!
So we realized that we only had two weeks to go in our bike trip, which would have ended us in montana somewhere.  so we decided to rent a car and drive to chicago where we would get a train to nyc.  though this was not our original plan, it allowed us to see a lot which we would have missed on the bike.  it also got us back to our homes a bit earlier, which was nice.  here's a bunch of pictures.

Sunset over missula montana.


This is a shy elk, the only picture I got was of its butt.
We were wondering why the trees were so small.  Since 1988, they allowed the trees to naturally reseed, which means that huge sections of the forest are about 7 feet tall.  
This is the largest geyser in yellowstone, but it's very irratic and might erupt any time in the next 5 years, but it's like three times the size of old faithful.
boiling sulfur smelling pool + Suhali and Abby
I think this one was the porcelain valley, named for being really white i guess.
Beware!  HAHA, I just liked the picture.
waterfall that someone ruined the shot with a soda can.
the girls at the waterfall.
and in a tiny cave.
really sparkily hat, distracting from the majestyof the grand canyon of yellowstone (much smaller than the realy grand canyon, but still very pretty).  
grand canyon of yellowstone
grand canyon of yellowstone

a crow taking flight.  
Bernie the Bison.  we got out of our car and took pictures to find out seconds later that there was a whole herd blocking traffic in front of us.  
bison related traffic. 

this one got mad beacause Suhali and Abby got a little too close to his baby.

there is a bear in the center of this photo, but this is as close as I was willing to get.

a canyon in yellowstone
waiting for old faithful
old faithful... he was about 10 minutes late.  
other geysers.
"depression geyser" looks like an upside down heart.
I think this was the "chromatic pool."
"lion's roar geyser" at sunset.
yellowstone lake at sunrise

bison in the morning.
deer posing for the camera.
this is still early leaving yellowstone.  the orange cloud is from a wild fire over the mountain.  we passed a firefighter camp, those guys are tough.
Wyoming scenery.  
leaving the mountains, heading into the plains.  

carving of crazy horse.  it's way bigger than mt rushmore, and more expensive to visit.  also, it's a 6 mile hike to the arm area.  we didn't think it was worth the 25$ we spent and left shortly after taking a few pictures... like the following of the girls pretending to be crazy horse and his horse. 
then they realized how silly they looked.  

Mt. Rushmore is pretty awesome, we stopped and took picture in the area before you pay, so these pictures are gifts from uncle sam.  enjoy.
Porfile of George Washington.
cool cloud shadow at sunset in south dakota.
do you get your own Hertz bus when you travel... didn't think so.
i think "pabst persuit bike" is the best name for this bad-boy in chicago.
the river that cuts through chicago.
Millenium park in chicago.  this is a giant bean thing made of steel, it gives a nice warp of the sky line.
and allows for funny pictures.

the train.

the parking meters in chicago are taller than Abby.  oh and yes we are all wearing hanes' undershirts, we got a 5-pack and shared.
up close this looks like a balloon, but it's made of alumium i think, from the artist Jeff Koons. He had an exhibit at the chicago museum of contemporary art.  
sears tower
weird fountain thing in Millenium park... it gets weirder.

i think it looks better from behind at night.  


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