Thursday, July 31, 2008

More pictures

Long roads
Beautiful morning skies at Fletcher Lake

These ducks provided a lot of entertainment by walking across the street and blocking traffic
Missouri River
Donna inspired pose in Wyoming
Suhali wearing a crazy happy birthday hat outside of San Fran
sunset at Lake Erie
Volley ball at Lake Erie
Terry and Patti at Fletcher Lake
Mississippi River at Muscatine (possibly the worst city ever)
They have a Radish magazine. yeah, we were that midwest

Salt Lake
Salt Flats
San Fran
Action shots
Sunflower field
Nick's kitchen in Huntington, we got in the news paper.

Jim drove 2,000 miles and is tired


Anonymous said...

Hola!, como va?, muy bueno este Blog, esta barbaro, voy a seguir pasando,cuando quieras pasa por el mio, saludos!! que andes barbaro


Unknown said...

hi guys!!! great blogging jim! the photos are beautiful and it looks like you guys are having a fantastic time. i hear san fran is lovely! when do you guys head out? Shu, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

keep posting. i'll fwrd the blog along.

the arctic was unreal. will post my pics on facebook soon!!

love you guys!

PK said...

wonderful pics guys! definitely a huge inspiration to do my own cross country trip!! the landscape shots truly are gorgeous!

Unknown said...

do you have a link to that newspaper article?? i LOVE that photo.
what kind of camera are you using?